Micro-Learning Nuggets Newsletter No. 11

Do you have a few minute to learn more?

Take 3 minutes to listen to one trainer, Asmeret Gebrekidan from Ethiopia, share her story about being an instructor in HDECOVA, what she has learned as an instructor and how she is applying it in her training (3:18 min)

Still curious?

  • Listen to another trainer, Michael Najeeb Pato, from Iraq talk about why he decided to become a mechanical trainer at the Swedish Academy. (1:03 min)
  • Trainer, Hasmo Saksono, explain the difference between theoretical training and hands on training in the VTC. (1:44 min)
  • Hear experiences from a UNIDO Chief Technical Advisor who also explains how trainers from the VTC in Ethiopia are being supported by Volvo to learn about the new equipment in the PPDPs. (2:54 min)